Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reform = Kosher?

The release of a new book about Reform Jews and Kashrut has the community all abuzz, and the following article was particularly apropos to this blog. While I don't agree that the entire Movement should be or is going Kosher, (as evidenced by the article's title) I do commend leaders for embracing more traditional practices. Reform Judaism is, after all, based on the premise of Informed Choice. If a Reform Jew educates him or herself on dietary laws and therefore decides to follow the laws of Kashrut, kol ha kavod to them!

1 comment:

  1. Very much enjoying the newest blog! I helped to edit this book this past summer as the CCAR rabbinic intern. It's a great collection of super interesting takes on Reform kashrut both traditional and defining it anew. Hope all is well!!
